Saturday, August 20, 2011

My first...

I am signed up and have paid for my first triathlon that happens NEXT weekend. I'm a little bit nervous for the swim and that I will not have the mental willpower to actually finish without stopping - that's my goal. To finish. And to finish w/o walking during the run. It's only a "sprint" distance which means a 750m swim, 12mi bike and a 5k run. I get bored when I run and have to force myself to keep going. And the swim... well it's just a big cluster of people piling into the lake and I very well could get kicked right in the face and I've really gotta keep this money maker lookin' good ya know?

Ah well... it'll be fun I'm sure. I've got my very own fan club coming up just for the race and I'm SO glad to have support!

Today I saw my first Life Flight landing and pick up. A group of us went up the mt. to Guardsman pass to ride Wasatch Crest trail (which is an absolute must-do geogeous AMAZINGLY beautiful trail:)

and one of the girls we were with totally ate it hard and mangled her arm. We were 6 miles in when it happend and she didn't want to hike out so the helicopter came and got her. It was pretty rad to see it all. Poor girl, just got out of surgery a few hours ago. She'll be ok. (I can hear Life Flight right now... I hope they're ok)


I can't get the background color changed on my blog and I don't like Blogger.

1 comment:

Hoenes Family said...

Your poor friend! Shelby, I can help you change the background if you want. Also you will do a amazing and your tri. GOOOOOO SHELBerS!