Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Yay for hunting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, here we go.
Hunting is AWESOME!! I had a great time and we really lucked out that the weather was SO BEAUTIFUL! I was a bit worried about spending so much time in the saddle (we're talking from sun up to sun down people!), but Steevo brought me a little camo pillow for me to tie to my saddle which made a world of difference!

We rode through some pretty thick parts of the forest but it was really fun. I learned to trust the horse and his feet (he only fell over on me once).

Beautiful, beautiful, COLD but beautiful!!

He got a 5 point and it was awesome. We chased the bull at full speed through the trees... it was SO much fun!

Hello cowgirl wanna be

Andee and I riding double. We had some adventures that's for sure!

Scott and Andee

Here we are hunting on foot giving the horses a break. Talk about a serious workout!

BEWARNED: the next photo is gross.

This is the gut pile from the elk Steevo shot.
(there isn't a shot of him with the elk because... well it's a long story but some guys from ID ganged up on us and took the animal)

This is what it looks like to hunt on foot after the sun has melted some of the snow from the previous weekend.

Everyone should go hunting!

3 x 30: Western WA and Noah

At the end of Sept. I took a little road trip out to Western Washington/Easter Idaho to visit Hailey and Brett and their new bundle. It's a 5 hour drive but it's pretty.
Cost: Gas
Rating: If ya have a reason to go to Moscow, ID and Pullman, WA I'd do it!

We had a great time hanging out and catching up. Caramel Apples, quilt square cutting, grizzly bear seeing etc. I'd reccommend it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Well, I'm off to another exciting and most likely freezing cold weeking in Wyoming. This time we'll be hunting elk in the Sawtooth Mtn. Range.
Wish me luck, 4 solid days on a horse... ouch.