Monday, November 2, 2009

Waiting tables in a leotard.

I got to work on Halloween which turned out to be pretty fun. Nothing starts getting crazy on Oct. 31st till later anyway.
I thought I'd resurrect my 80's work out alter ego from my high school MORP outfit this year. It was perfect, better than before! People just looked at me and smiled like "oh. my. is she wearing that in public? while she's working?" it was AWESOME! I L-O-V-E wearing costumes that are borderline humiliating, so much more entertaining.
Yes, I waited tables for 5 hours in this get up...

Me, Trish and Rainee

Me and Kyle. Ugliest big woman I ever saw.

Nate and I. Definitely my fave outfit for the night.

Chris and I. He trained me (and I trained Nate so...)

Me, Kacey the T-I double guh-errr, and Olive the Chicken (the sicky ear ache chicken)

Jen the "mile high captain" and I. Ya know, I don't think she really even has her pilots licence.

Me and Blake the PIMP

After work I headed down to Seattle for a house party.

On my way I ran into Little Red Ridinghood who'd had a run in with the wolf.

Oh. whup, wait.. no one was ready... take another one.

There we go. These are some wardies.

My Everett friend Elaina.

And just for old time's sake...
the original 80's work out outfit. I wore that to a school dance, oh, yes I did.


Naomi said...

So did you get better tips?

"All you need is love" said...

YOU LOOK AWESOME! It's not that embarrassing when you look that great in spandex. you look just the julia's friend in 'the wedding singer' sweet.
love the quilt, way amazing.

TrixieDeLite said...

I L-O-V-E that you wear humiliating costumes! They are the whole point!

Hoenes Family said...

Two words. HUH - LARIOUS. I am laughing right now.

It's said...

You look lovely in spandex. I definitely like the new outfit better

Hurst Family said...

Awesome!! You pull that look off so well. And you're just as skinny as you were in high school.

Kacey Haffner-Bruce said...

I love your face in your high school photo! priceless!