Friday, October 17, 2008

I'm Off to the Races

Tomorrow morning is the 5K for NIE down in Provo. I'm leaving tonight (sorta late) if anyone wants a ride. I've not done any sort of competitive (not that this is competitive-competitive but someone will have a timer somewhere and that makes it competitive) running since my first year of college. And even then I only ran about 13' at a time before I hurled myself over the high jump bar. I've been plagued with a bum knee for years and have been spending the last several months really working on getting it better. What the heck is the IT band anyway and how does it get so inflamed for so long and cause excruciating pain after about 800m? As of last night at the gym the long runs on the treadmill were pain free so... I'm off to the races. Here's to NIE.


Hurst Family said...

I have a 5k that I'm running tomorrow too! Good luck!

Unknown said...

Good luck poo!! I have the same problem with my IT! Hopefully it's not too painful. Call me next week and we will play! Yay!_

gillar girl said...

I hope it went good! I was thinking of you!

markandkimcaldwell said...

I sent you a picture of the baby but it came back to me. Did you get to see it? What is your email address?