Monday, March 4, 2013

Oh yes I am!

So.  Here's the scoop.  I got a friggin sweet new job that I just love every day and I'm so grateful for.  It's like working in a modern version of designing women but w/o the funny gay black guy.  This firm does really beautiful residential work and has been getting some big national recognition.  It's forever away from my casa so I'll be moving down to Happy Valley *gulp* and try my hand at that place again.  Truth be told I'm totally fine with a new scene, new roommates and a new place to nest.  I'm totally done living in this cracker box of a bedroom and want to see my stuff again.  Oh, and adios huge hyper puppy, smell ya later! 
Check out the firm:

Also, I'm thiiiiiis close to my Mexico trip and I'm really excited for it.  Um, yeah.  Don't even worry, I'm totally staying at this place:   I'm not even joking you, I cannot wait!!  go to "galleries" and look at this place!  I'm dying over here.


1 comment:

Dianne said...

Jealous! the other day I was thinking, I should really just go with them on the trip, it would be awesome - and I started looking at airfare and what not. Then I remembered my passport is expired. Damn!