Friday, May 22, 2009

Yesterday I was a tourist.

Yesterday I spent the day on the streets of Seattle in the sun (with a hat and SPF and no exposed winter white flesh) with friends from back home. Hailey and her husband Brett spent the weekend with the Jorgensens at a beach house down on the Hood Canal and made it up to Seattle to see the sights and to visit me (I'd like to think this-visiting me- was their main objective). Hailey and I were roommates back in SLC before she got married last summer.

Here's what we did...

The Troll. This is a sculpture that is under the 99 bridge at Lake Union (I think that's what it's called). Totally a random sculpture but the plaque said that the neighborhood was really brought together by it's being built.

(Between the Troll and this pic we spent 4 hours walking around the Market and downtown Seattle hitting all the major stores. They live in Northern Idaho which only has an Old Navy and Wal-Mart so they were in serious need of some retail therapy).
Then we went to a Mariners game. The Mariners are a big deal up here. I'm afraid to cheer for Boston when they play together for fear of my life. Between the 8th and 9th innings some guy sprinted onto the field over on the 3rd base side and made it all they way to the 1st base side (dodging 2 umps and 2 'Alcohol Enforcement' dudes before a fan tackled him 1/2 way up the aisle. Totally worth the 8 bucks.

Hailes and I. She was one of the very best roommates ever! (um. hello! look at how long my hair is getting!! The pic in my banner was in December so it's grown quite a bit in just 5 months)

Brett, Hailey and I.

You can't really tell in this pic but Hails is 6 months pregnant with a little boy. Due in August. This pic was this morning at the temple grounds.
It was a good day.


Hoenes Family said...

Sounds like a good time. I wish you could take a picture with me when I am 6 months pregnant and then say "you can't really tell". As Jerry would say "Oh yeah right!"

Unknown said...

it's okay that you said ONE of your best roommates..cuz we all know I was the best! Your hair is gorgeous too! I want my long hair back!

Adam and Lisa said...

Shelbs, I miss you. Sounds like you're doing fun things though. I had a dream about you the other night. Love ya!